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Thursday, September 6, 2012

My First Post $$$

King Edward of Pike
This is a chicken.

My name is Ross and I'm in the second period film class at Blair High School. I spend a lot of my life outdoors, often playing soccer or biking. I used to own three hens, which resembled the chicken above. They're all dead now. In middle school and half of the first year of high school, I took film class. My favorite role was director and script writer. There are a couple of projects that stand out as my favorites.

The first one is a stop-motion project using props. One aspect I greatly enjoyed about the assignment is that there are many jobs needed to produce a interesting animation. In our group of four, we needed artistic people to create a scene; somebody experienced in stop-motion to direct the film; a script writer; an editor; an actor to do voice-overs; somebody to command the camera; and somebody to pick out sounds and music. Obviously, each group-member had to assume multiple jobs.

At Blair, the class did a news project in the TV studio. This project required group dynamics and each individual to do his or her job. Groups ranged from four to eight. Everyone had to write their own parts of the script, and one slacker could do serious harm to the entire production.

This Blog could come in handy when writing reflections, whether it's on an essay, movie project, or the change project. This way, we can see if other CAP students felt similarly about a project. For people in CAP we don't know so well, it would be interesting to see if we share similar views.

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